About Me

Hi, I’m Tommy. Thanks for stopping by!

I just finished my freshman year at the University of Michigan and could not be happier about my life or my health. My experience with POTS has changed my life (for the better!), and my goal is to share how I have lived to the fullest with POTS,  with habits and strategies others can use to live healthy and happy lives.

My interests include health and fitness, especially physical and mental processes such as nutrition, sleep, exercise, and mental models, and how they can improve human performance. Additionally, I am a diehard Philadelphia sports fan, and I am also an avid consumer of books, podcasts, and audiobooks. Shoe Dog by Phil Knight is my current favorite.

I would love to hear from you, so please reach out in the “Contact Me” section, or shoot me an email at shoetom@umich.edu.


11 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. Hi Tommy,

    I have just come across this whilst googling some desperate worry about POTS which I also have a diagnosis of (have had for years but my tachycardia is more intense at the moment for some reason).

    I just felt compelled to say that reading your posts has been so refreshing and has given me motivatation to try and find ways to feel more positive
    and hopeful about living with this condition. I feel like POTS has held me back so much in life, impacting on how I am as mum to my 2 year old and just generally causing a great deal of physical and mental suffering. And the fact that this syndrome is so poorly understood makes the suffering feel in silence.
    However your approach and positivity is so inspiring and proof that the way in which we frame things makes such a difference to our experience.

    The internet can be a depressing place when you have a chronic illness, as searches for ‘cures’ often ends up on forums full of sad stories that can leave you feeling more hopeless. So finding this has really made my day and given me hope that I can achieve a similar positive attitude and lessen my anxiety around my symptoms.

    So thank you so much for writing this and I will be referring to it often!

    Keep fighting the good fight!x

  2. Hello!!!

    So glad to see your blog.
    I am just starting mine.

    Please check out my website kowellness.net to read more info on me and what I do.

    I have had POTS for 14 years.

    Would love to connect!
    I love your positive outlook.

  3. Hi. My name is Savannah Ward, I am 24 and have Chrons and POTS. I stumbled upon your website and have found the content SO helpful and relatable. I actually used to work on the Hill in DC until I had a horrible Chrons flare and decided to leave to focus on my health. After a year of Humira and steroids, I went to an Integrative GI doctor and got into remission in 2 months. I’m off of all of my Chrons medications and am becoming a health coach at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. I’d love to connect and chat.

  4. Hi Tommy,
    I just wanted to say thanks for the “A Complete Guide to Exercise with POTS” post. I will be bookmarking this article and using all the wonderful links. I was just told today that I probably have POTS after a lifetime of bewildering symptoms, so I am happy to see there are such good resources on the web, thanks to you and others.

    I was touched by the “A Note of Hope” post as well.

    Good luck in school. I’m guessing it’s challenging these days, with Covid. You’re already showing great resilience, though, so you’ve got this!

    1. Hi Margret! Thank you for the kind words! I hope you are doing well managing your POTS right now, and please let me know if I can help in any way!

  5. Tommy, what an excellent blog! Please write more posts, you definitely have a talent in explaining complex things using simple and very structured approach. It would be great to see a post on books that really impacted you in your healing journey, including motivational, etc. Also, would be great to learn more about any new exercise routines that you’ve discovered since 2018.

  6. “He is happy whose circumstances suit his temper, but he is more excellent who can suit his temper to his circumstance.”
    ― David Hume

    Love your blog, Tommy.

  7. Wow, this is sooo inspiring! Especially from a fellow Michigander. My symptoms have flared up & this info on the Levine Protocol plus so much more, is really going to help me. Thank you 🙂

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